Indonesian Language Course – SS 2024

Dear colleagues and students,

We are happy to announce that in the forthcomming summer semester 2024 the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Vienna will be able to continue offering an Indonesian Language Course. It will start on 4 March 2024. Please find the schedule on the attached flyer.

We are excited that after a long pause due to the pandemic, the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture will send again a language teacher from Indonesia to Austria. Maybe some of you still remember Adisti Dwiyani who taught the course during the winter semester 2018. Most of the classes will therefore be taught in person in the classroom.

Location of levels A1 and A2: Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Vienna, Universitätsstraße 7 (NIG), 4th floor, 1010 Vienna

Location of level B1: Indonesian Embassy, Gustav-Tschermak-GAsse 5-7, 1180 Vienna.
Participants who live outside Vienna, will be able to join online via Zoom. Vienna residents are requested to attend in person.

Level B2: online via Zoom

Students at Austrian universities who regularly attend the classes and pass the exams can be awarded ECTS. Further requirements are:

Students at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Vienna have to complete the StEOP successfully before they can get ECTS for the language course.
Students at other Austrian universities have to apply for “Mitbelegung” at the University of Vienna.

However, students and staff of other teaching and research institutions as well as outsiders are equally welcome. The course can be attended by anyone interested in the Indonesian language and culture.
Please register for the course by phone or email:
+43 681 10755661

Please circulate this information freely within your institutions and networks as well as among your peers, friends etc.
Best regards,
Gabriele Weichart

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