Indonesian Language Course – Summer 2023

Dear colleagues and students,

We are happy to announce that in the forthcomming summer semester 2023 we will be able to continue offering an Indonesian Language Course. It will start on 6 March 2023. Please find the detailed information on the attached flyer.

Like last semester, we will have two teachers. Ardhana Reswari Putri will teach the A1, A2 and B1 classes, Yohanna Nirmalasari will teach the B2 class. All levels will be taught in two sessions per week of 90 min each.

Students at Austrian universities who regularly attend the classes and pass the exams can be awarded ECTS. Further requirements are:

  • Students at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Vienna have to complete the StEOP successfully before they can get ECTS for the language course.
  • Students at other Austrian universities have to apply for “Mitbelegung” at the University of Vienna.

However, the course can be attended by all students and staff of the University of Vienna, but also by outsiders … generally by anyone interested in the Indonesian language and culture.

Please register for the course by email:

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Please circulate this information freely within your institutions and networks as well as among your peers, friends etc.

Best regards,
Gabriele Weichart

Dr. Gabriele Weichart
Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Vienna
Universitaetsstr. 7, 1010 Vienna, Austria

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